Demar Hamlin and the Brevity of Life

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In this episode, Dez and E discuss the recent outpouring of prayers, thoughts, and concerns for the NFL player Demar Hamlin. They discussed how natural it is for man to turn to God in times of suffering, uncertainty, and pain but neglect Him when things are going well.

Intro: Welcome to the Life podcast, where we offer real hope to real people dealing with real life. We go to our thoughts through God's thoughts and our ways. Through God's ways, we pray your blessed by this podcast. Enjoy the show. Welcome back. This is the life podcast. Living intention for eternity. People, we are back live today. I'm joined by the sage, the wise one, the pastor, Mr. E. What's up, my brother?

E: Hey, what's going on? How are you doing? It's the reason why it took a long time to get that out anyway.

Dez: Because I'm used to saying, I'm joined by everybody.

E: Smooth. Smoothest man in the land.

Dez: The smoothest man, right? I'm used to say that. But the smoothest man is out on leave today. We let him have some leave today. He's not feeling well, but he's here with us in spirit. So we thank for him. Lift up a prayer for the creepy crawler, the one who levitates when he walks. Feet never hits the ground, Dave. So you got to lift them up. Lift them up. Interesting show today. But before that Life podcast, we like to filter our thoughts through God's thoughts. We like to filter our ways through God's ways. And we like to filter our words through God's word. Also, we seek to live out God's word in God's word. Always want to throw that out, Mr. Eve, because it's all about him.

E: That's it.

Dez: Not to us not to us, but to his name be all the glory.

E: My favorite scripture.

Dez: Yes, sir. Today, Mr. Eve, we're going to be talking about Mr. DeMar Hamlin and what took place on January 2. It seemed like it was just yesterday, but that thing was 22 days ago.

E: Almost a whole month, man.

Dez: Almost a whole month of just that was a crazy night. I was scared.

E: Yeah.

Dez: I was in a hotel room because I was off at a college. I'm doing some stuff. And that night, it was just an ominous feeling to me. I just felt like it was ominous anyway, because the play before that, before Hamlin got hurt, the dude was on a kick return, and he fell on his neck. Kind of weird. I was like, man, somebody I literally said, man, somebody going die tonight. I said that out of my mouth. But I was going past the TV. And then the next play that happened, I said, I ain't no profit, right? I said, oh, no. When I saw that, I just was like, oh, man. Yeah, but you see people go down, you're kind of lay there for a while, but you just expect he will come back up, right?

E: I did, too, man.

Dez: They cut the commercial, and you're like, okay, is what it is. Hopefully then they cut back. He's still down. We'll be right back. Okay. Two. All right, I get that. Third time.

E: Yeah.

Dez: Amber lands on the field.

E: You like, something's going on.

Dez: And then you had joe Buck. We just got a word that they are in medicine. CPR. Now. You like serious?

E: Yeah. It really gets quick. It did. I think everybody that was watching that night just froze. It was almost as a time to steal for a minute.

Dez: I couldn't sleep.

E: Yeah.

Dez: I just was praying for this dude. I remember talking to my dad. I called dad. I called my dad and I was like, are you seeing this? He was like, yeah, I see it. It's weird. And we prayed for him. I tried to go I just kept waking up like, any new news? You remember the first night? It was no news.

E: Right.

Dez: It was just like, he's in critical condition. That's it. He was in a hospital. We ain't know if he then we find out he had to be resuscitated on the field and then we find out he had to be resuscitated at the hospital.

E: Yeah. Man, I tell you, it just really reminded me that life is so fragile and we're going to talk about that and so many things can happen just that quick. That quick. You go into a game thinking, I'm just going to play a game like I played for ever. And this particular night, my life actually ends for a moment.

Dez: He died, in essence, yeah. He saw the white.

E: Yeah, definitely.

Dez: That was weird. So here's just some of the headlines that I saw as I've been researching a little bit more, trying to dig deeper. So we know that he suffered cardiac arrests, but it's been new allegations and new things that came out that gave us a more specific condition for what he had. And it was called camodio cortis is what he suffered. Camodio cortis is what he suffered. And that's a phenomenon in which a sudden blunt impact to the chest causes sudden death in the absence of cardiac damage. So usually when this happens, the person dies. So as briefly he did.

E: Right.

Dez: I know we was talking before, but the interesting thing about this is that in the vascular section of the heart, you have to hit the vowel at the exact time it's going around a certain part of the heart for that to happen.

E: Right.

Dez: So it's like, that's freaky. That is crazy that it hit at the exact same time where he was and it had that impact. He kind of jumped up. It then went straight back.

E: Right.

Dez: That's scary to see. So what was your initial thoughts?

E: I didn't know what to think. I was like, okay, at least they haven't said he died. That was the thing that was given me. I didn't get any comments that he's gone and he passed away. So the more time went on and I didn't hear that, I started praying and believing that, okay, this could be a turnaround. He can get a turnaround. He's on his way to the hospital. Anything's possible. That kept me hope the more I didn't hear he's deceased. Gave me hope. But I also like you. I thought it was very the word freaky is exactly right, because how many games have been played? How many guys have gotten hit so many different ways? But for this particular moment, for this guy to get hit that way, I couldn't help but feel like God is trying to tell us something. I know people say we always want to turn everything spiritual, but I am a Christian and I am spiritual. That is part of how I saw it. It's like, okay, God, you're trying to say something here. And immediately I started feeling, okay, what is he trying to say to us? Because this doesn't happen every day at all.

Dez: Yeah, I know. My uncle always says that football is America's, god little g, right? And I heard this pastor say, you kind of see that on Super Bail Sunday.

E: Super bail, right.

Dez: Alice? You see it on Super Bail Sunday. Everybody's offering their sacrifices to football, right? It takes the place of everything. Everything shuts down on Super Bowls, and it shows America with it. So the Lord is like, oh, this album gets your attention, right?

E: I know where you are.

Dez: I know who your God is. And that's gracious, right? I'm not saying the Lord wanted that to happen, but he knew. He knew that was going to happen. So it's like pain has a way of redirecting the human will on anything. When somebody's in pain, life gets their attention. CS. Lewis has this great quote in his book, The Problem of Pain, and he says, Pain is God's microphone to humanity.

E: Wow. That came from up above, Bruh.

Dez: That flesh and blood did not reveal that to you. But he said, Pain is God's microphone to humanity. So let me just read some quick headlines that stuck out to me. Ryan Clark had a really good, solid queer on his segment when he's with SVP. Had a good antidote, he said, about this. He says, so many times in this game and in our jobs as well, we use the cliches. I'm ready to die for this. I'm willing to give my life for this. It's time to go to war. I think sometimes we use those things so much, we forget that part of living this dream is putting your life at risk. And tonight we got to see a side of football that is extremely ugly, a side of football that no one ever wants to see or ever wants to admit exists. I remember watching the telecast, and I remember seeing Lisa Salter crying. She was trying to control herself, but you can tell something's wrong, like, this is beyond football. And she says in her quote, she said, it's hard because this is a human being, and all you can really think about is, I hope that guy is okay. We've seen players go down with head injuries before, and as horrible as that might sound. We've grown accustomed to it. I agree with her.

E: Right.

Dez: And when he didn't give a thumbs up to the crowd, I think this entire stadium was just devastated. That's true. Everybody felt watching that, you see wow. In a moment, in the twinkle of the eye. So my life changes.

E: Yeah. Gone.

Dez: Gone.

E: Yes.

Dez: And I think she said it right. You see her injury, you're like, oh, dad. But concussions are so becoming, so just it's not rare anymore, right?

E: It's normal.

Dez: It's normal. You kind of like that. I hope you all right.

E: Yeah.

Dez: But when he didn't get up and nine minutes go past, he's still landing. Now you're seeing both teams come out. When they canceled the game, I said, Where's? Something wrong?

E: Definitely.

Dez: I ain't never seen somebody cancel a game.

E: No, not at all. And that was my life. That was a very important game.

Dez: Yeah.

E: I think it was my skin. It was a very important game. But I think it speaks to in life, there's no such thing as your time.

Dez: Come on.

E: We're on his time. And it doesn't matter what your plan is. It doesn't matter what your preparation is. It doesn't matter what your status is. It doesn't matter how much money you make. It doesn't matter how deep the details on. Well, when I do this, I'm going to make a difference. When that time comes, it's going to come.

Dez: Come on.

E: And none of what you think or desire about it. That's why the Bible says, give no thought for tomorrow change.

Dez: For what?

E: That's it. It'll take care of itself.

Dez: Come on. Come on.

E: For there's enough going on today, so we have to very be. I think it really did for me. It reminded me, and and I think I really do believe god allows these things to take place. I call them life interruptions to take place, to help us to re prioritize what's important. Come on. The pandemic was a big thing for a lot of people for a while, but then when you get back and the pandemic wears off and people are just getting sick, they're not dying anymore, we go back to the norm. But what I believe, God is constantly saying to us, remember me. I'm here. You need me. No matter how far, how much money you get in that contract, no matter how successful you become, you need me. And this reminds us when life interruptions happen that way, a car accident, somebody dies, your child dies, or whatever the case may be that shocks you.

Dez: Come on.

E: Stuns you. I think the entire, I would say football world, but even my wife, who does not even like sports, was stunned that night in the midnight hours, she's on the Internet trying to find out, how is he doing? Don't know him. But it was that impactful when that young man had that deaf experience, actually, it was that impactful that it made her even be concerned about him to the point. Let's pray. So I don't want to get into God causing me and stuff like that. I don't want to get into that. But I do know for a fact that he uses moments like this to remind us he's got to be first.

Dez: Come on.

E: He's got to be first.

Dez: Come on.

E: And nothing we have planned interrupts his plan.

Dez: Yeah. Tony Evans came out with a book with his family called Divine Interruptions. Right. When you kind of talking about him, the thing after his wife died, this is really good, I think. Snippets it's pretty good. But Life Interruption made me think about that also in the Book of Loop, when you were saying you don't know when it's going to happen, no matter how rich you are, you got Jesus giving this parable book of Loop when he was like, he tells a story about this rich man who like, I got money.

E: Yeah, kick back.

Dez: Now I'm good. Instead of giving it to the poor, now I'm going to build a bigger barn, right? And I'm going to store way more stuff in there. And I'm a coastal guy. I'm going to sit back and chill. Jesus says, you fool. You fool. Your soul, your soul is required of you tonight. Yes to your point. Right to your point. Like your soul is required of you tonight. He was rich. He ain't no worries in the world. But the biggest worry everybody got in the world is death.

E: That's it.

Dez: And as Christians, we can boast because of the resurrection of Christ, and we know that we live eternally because he does. We can boast, o death, where is your sting? But only the Christian can boast that.

E: Oh, yeah, definitely.

Dez: Right. And Hebrews talks about how Satan had the power of death, you know, the fear of death he drained over. But Jesus came and snatched that away, and Hebrews talks about that.

E: That's it.

Dez: So as a Christian, as a Christian, what we're thinking through, we can look at death and have a different perspective. That does not mean we're not scared of it, the unknown of it. But we have a different perspective because we have a hope deeper than this world. Right? When you live for this world yeah, when you live for this world, that's all you inherit this world. But we know this world is fascinating, fading away. That's what the Bible says, right? It's fading away with all this lust, all the glitz and glamours of this world, because it's glitz and glamours, right?

E: That's it.

Dez: It's fading away quickly. One day is going to be a volcano. It's going to burn up. So I think that was good. The Joker also, like, improper said man's plans. But God laughs.

E: That's it. Laughs at his plans, at man's plans.

Dez: And the Joker says something that was really interesting one time in The Dark Knight. He says, when the gangster gets killed, nobody really cares because it's like, well, that's the type of life you live by the sword, die by the sword. When an old person dies, it's nothing like that's what's just supposed to happen. He says, but when I say I'm going to blow up the mayor, everybody freaks out. He said, that's what I'm after. And there was some truth in it because it's the DeMar Hambling stuff. This dude is 22 years old, eight years younger than me, in peak shape. He's the prototype of a healthy young man.

E: That's not supposed to happen.

Dez: That's not supposed to happen. Yeah, it's almost like it's like go ahead.

E: No, I was going to say it's almost like when Kobe when the plane went down for Kobe, I think it just shocked him. That's not supposed to happen. He's at the prime of his time in terms of his second life, his second career. He's able to be with his family. But these things, these incidents, life interruptions, are there to remind them in a godless world. Come on. That without Christ, we are doomed. And this is it. No matter how much we have, Kobe was able to have his, and I'm not going to go Kobe too long. But he was able to have his own helicopters, jets, everything. But none of that protects you from this life situation. We need God.

Dez: Come on.

E: Only God can protect us. Only God can keep us in this world. And then if I leave here, he's ready for me to leave here. I'm crossing over to another type. So it's not the end. My dad always says it's not the end when we die, but it's the beginning of eternal.

Dez: Come on.

E: There you go. We're transitioning, and that's our hope. That's our hope.

Dez: That's our hope. We have a hope that outlives us. My past often says, for the Christian, the only hell that he experiences is Earth. And for the unbelievable, the only heaven he experiences is Earth.

E: Wow. Okay.

Dez: It's crazy, right? And the Christian outlives every trial. The Lord is faithful. We're going to outlive it. Right? So I thought that was really, really good. Why?

E: There's many other fictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivered them from the.

Dez: Delivers them for all. We got to promise one thing. I've never seen the righteous been forsaken that's it. So I thought that was really cool. So what makes life so fragile, Mr. E?

E: Because we are human. We make more of ourselves than we are, too. I was thinking about that today, how all you have to do is stop washing, stop brushing your teeth, stop doing all of that, and you will find out. You don't smell that good.

Dez: You are dirt, bro.

E: You are dirt. You are not that special and not that wonderful. Yes. The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we are so created in his image and his likeness. So that's the beauty part of us yeah, but the reality part of us is we're just that fragile. This body is just that fragile in the context of anything. Heart could stop brain, seizures. All of that happens that quickly. That's why I love it. The old folks used to say, walk softly before the Lord carefully. Right? Because you don't know. You think you just don't know from moment to moment. It's not that we walk around scared all the time, but we recognize our frailty as a human being and the possibilities of things happening.

Dez: Amen. I think Genesis three is the answer. I think the fall I think that sums up why this life is so fragile. Because you get genesis one and two, where the Lord is just, life is springing up out of everywhere. Life is in the cosmos, life is in the garden, life is in animals. And then you get the crown. You are creation, humanity, and life is springing and you name and stuff. And then God puts a man to sleep and creates a woman, another life, and everything's just producing at his own kind. And it's this beautiful picture of God's intention for humanity made humanity in his own image. Not because he needed them, but because God's a giver, wants to share what he has. He put his affection on a people so they can see how good his glory as God is and ultimately to give God glory. That's why humans were created, right? Isaiah I informed them for my glory. So I think that the fall of mankind makes life fragile. There was no mention of death until God tells them, in my word, you take it, you won't die. So that's the first time, death. And what was death attached to? God's word. So you got to answer the question, why do people die? That's a quick question. You could say natural causes all you want. That's not the answer. So the new thing I've been telling people is our problem is not cultural or societal or a nationalist thing or a gender thing. Our problem is a Genesis thing. We have a genesis problem. That's where everything falls. So for me, life is fragile because God says, do not. And humanity says, I will. It's death in that it's a death sentence to disobey God, and there's no other way to get around that. And God was gracious enough to not kill Him right then and there, wasn't he? And then the same God says, but I'm going to kill something else that does not deserve to die, because you deserve to die. And I said, you just want to die. In some ways, they did die spiritually right then and there, right? Ephesians two. But God says, no, I'm going to kill this animal who's done nothing, who's innocent, and I'm a clove you with that. And that's obviously symbolic of what Christ is going to ultimately do, right? For the foundation of the world. The landlords provided. But I think the fall is where we see it, right? So I'm just going to skip down to verse. This is chapter three. Genesis, chapter three. And this is where the Lord is kind of like cursing stuff, giving people their consequences. So in verse 13, Genesis 313 says then the Lord said to the woman, what is this you have done? The woman said, the serpent deceived me and I ate that. We go blame game. So the Lord God said to the serpent, because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animal. You will crawl on your belly belly, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, in between your offsprings and air and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel. To the woman he said, I will make your pains and childbirth very severe. With painful labor. You will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you. Verse 17 to Adam, he said, because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree which I commanded you, you must not eat from it. Cursed is the ground because of you. Through painful toil, you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field by the sweat of your brow. You will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken, for dust you are, and to dust you will return. God extracted judgment of humanity, but it's way God never he didn't curse humanity. He cursed the serpent. He cursed the ground. But he never cursed humanity in his love because cursed me. That's not coming back. You can't overturn a curse, not even Disney movies. He never cursed him, Manny, but he judged them. And from there, look at the text. You get marital strife. It's going to be empty. You're going to desire his position and God's like not going to have it. Something as beautiful as the baby coming into the world, new life is going to hurt. People say baby comes in the world crying because they know it's going to hurt. You get wise. Work so hard, Genesis. I tell my kids all the time, you know why homework is hard?

E: Genesis very, very.

Dez: You know why you don't want to do homework?

E: Genesis.

Dez: You know why you don't want to read? Genesis? Because it's hard work. So work is cursed. Marriage is cursed, right? We have this tension and enmity going on thorns and thistle. So you have to work really, really hard to just get a thorn or a distal where at first plants was just sprouting out. You know what I mean? It's perfect paradise. So I think the Virginia life comes from sin in a nutshell.

E: True.

Dez: Right? In a nutshell. And I think one more passage that confirms that is Romans 819 for creation. Oh, no. Let's start. Present suffering and future glory. This is Romans 818. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits an eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration not by his own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and bought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning, as in the pains of childbirth, right up until this present time. I think that explains it. Well, all the creation is groaning. Bro because of sin.

E: True.

Dez: The ma hamlin, the cancer of a four year old dying, all of these are the remind us everything. All those heart, the hurricanes that striking, the earthquakes and the tsunamis and the car accidents and the abortions and the miscarriages and the divorce, all of that stuff is to remind us that something is wrong again. Pain is God's microphone to humanity. All this is to show you're missing me. You're not in relationship with me. And when you get in relation to me, that doesn't stop it, because it's here. But now you have light to see. At least I know why this is the way it is.

E: And power over and you have power over it.

Dez: That don't mean you won't be subject. Christians get cancers. Christians die from cancer. It probably was Christians in those buildings during 911. Christians probably died. Firefighters, probably. Christians probably died. So that doesn't remove us from death. Jesus died a brutal death. But what I'm saying is, if we know how something happened, we can start working backwards. And this is not the last time something like this will happen. Because we live in a world like this. And you kind of saw everybody wanted to go straight to solutions. How do we prevent how do we prevent how do we prevent and it's not just the Mall Hamlets, anything when the school shooting happened, how do we prevent it? You can. I mean, you can try. You can do a lot of stuff, but you're not stopping evil, right? Just not doing it. And this sounds cold and callous, especially if you have a child that maybe have been lost to this stuff. But what I'm saying is this is a deeper problem that happened before you and I were even here. Bro and until Christ comes and make all things new, he brings the new creation and new earth. That's what we put our hope in. That's the hope of our salvation, that one day God is going to wipe every tear from our eye. Where do tears come from? Pain. Sometimes joy is going to come from suffering. The agony and the pain of living in a sinful world.

E: What you said earlier, beauty faces.

Dez: Beauty faces. I know, I just did on like a whole rule. That's what I was thinking. When I think about the fragility of the world, it's kind of like a theological speculative yes.

E: Definitely in the comments, no debates there. You're absolutely right. No, I totally agree with that. You're absolutely right.

Dez: I think it was from what you said, too. I'm not taking away from no, I.

E: Think because towards the end, just to be clear, that we do have a hope.

Dez: Yes.

E: No matter how bad it seems or how bad it feels, we do have a hope, and that's in Christ. And it's almost like we don't want to say, because you're going to doom, don't wear seatbelts, don't worry about it. Exactly. Going to crash.

Dez: Exactly. That's not why.

E: Christ gives us wisdom and we get understanding through Christ Jesus. So, yes, what Adam and Eve did, christ undid in second Adam as being the second Adam and gave us a hope that we don't have to fear those things. We don't have to be afraid of these things because we have understanding through, like you said, the light is turned on, the power is generated when we have Christ Jesus. So I can navigate through these things. And if it happens to me, if those things happen to me, because things happen to us, just like you said to other people, I still have a hope. And it's not just happening for nothing. There's a purpose in this. I believe we are the Bible says in Romans twelve, one being a living sacrifice. That means our lives, not just our words, because our words could be elegant and dependent upon the level of study you have. Our words can flow, but a lot of times God will allow things to happen to you that nobody can hear your words. We couldn't hear the Mars words, nothing was being said. But we were watching God move. Yeah, we were watching God move. We had a CPR guys show up on the scene. Just so happened to be there. He should have been there. That's good. But he just so happened to be there. How many times have people entered into your life that just so happened to be there? God was orchestrating it. He knew this was going to happen. I tell people a lot of times, nothing takes God by surprise. I don't care what you go through. You did not surprise God. God was not surprised. The reality of it is that he already made a way of escape. He already made an opportunity for us to be able to endure it and overcome it through Christ Jesus Christ. So we have a hope, and I always love to remind people of that. We have a hope.

Dez: We more than conquerors in Christ. We're overcomers man. And even going forward, we talked about hope and the Christian hope. We see in verse 23 of Romans eight, it says, not only so, but we are sail hosts who have the first fruits of the spirit grown inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope, we were saved. But hope that is missing is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently. So both of us struggle. The world is grown, and we've grown in too, because we like, man, I want redemption, man, I want this new body, man, I want to be my savior. Paul deals with this, and he's like, I want to stay for your sake, so you can see salvation. But I want to go because I want to be with my father. I want to be with grace. And it is like that conflict for every true Christian, you know what I mean? But the worldly, people can understand that too. My body hurts, so I want to go. I just want to be rid of this pain, but I don't want to leave my children so they can get it in that sense as well. But I think what we present as DeMar, as believers, we're looking at it deeper, like, yeah, this was a tragedy, but look how God moved, and what is he trying to teach us? Because that's the next question you got to ask. I think it's an article that I read by the Christian Pose, and he was getting to that question just like, what does this say about us? Should it make and my dad was saying earlier, it should teach us that life is short and we shouldn't waste it or be distracted. We are very distracted people, and we are very ignorant people, right? Ephesian says, Be careful how you walk thoughtfully in this dark and evil age. Paul said, I'm not beating the air. He said, Every step is with intention. Every step is purposeful. Everything I do is purpose. Well, I ain't wasting no time, right? I'm not distracted from what's most important, and that's how we're supposed to walk. And I think these moments open your eyes to like, man, james is true when it says, yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life for? You are a miss that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead. You ought to say, if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that. As it is, you boasting your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

E: Evil?

Dez: We wouldn't say that. Wow. We just say, man, we take it for granted. No. Jesus said you evil.

E: Breast.

Dez: That's Jesus brother breath. He said you evil. You evil for thinking that you just don't live, man. Every breath that you have is mercy. You don't deserve it.

E: That's it.

Dez: God is merciful. So how does that change outlook? I think you just answered that very well.

E: You were talking about the paramedic guy that was there. I'm calling him a paramedic. I guess I gave him the CPR. I was thinking about how we have no idea the level that God wants to use, the training that he's given us until the opportunity shows up. I remember when I first met my father in law, he was diagnosed with cancer and they gave him a few weeks to live. And I met him and he said, Son, I want you to pray for me. And I said, okay. And so I did the traditional thing, grabbed his hand, he rips his shirt open and places my hand on his tumor. It's huge. It stunned me for a moment because I didn't expect that. But we prayed for him. God gave him mercy to have five years. And I don't say this because of me, right? All the glory goes to God. But because of that moment that I had been praying, Lord, what to say to him, because I knew I was going to meet Him. And he had faith. But when the faith connected, because the Bible says two or three touch and agree on anything, he wanted healing. I wanted him to be healed. We touched and agree on anything. God gave him five years. And not only did God give him five years, but it was a situation his son was going through. He allowed him to be there for his son, the endurance of that property. And after his son came out about six months after that, that's when he went on. And so what I'm saying to you is that you don't have any idea how God or when God is going to use it. Just like that paramedic. He just came to a game, but he had no idea God was going to use Him to help save another man's life that night. He prepares for that all the time, but that doesn't happen all the time. So never take for granted what God is putting in you and what God has given you and what he's allowing you to do, and you're getting called to pray or you're learning his word. God is preparing you for something, and not just for the spotlight. You never got social media. Now everybody likes the spotlight, but it's the behind the scenes, the scenes that nobody sees, the times that nobody knows about. When he called on you to show up and help somebody's life. And Peter, I was thinking about Peter, how Peter had no idea when he said he was going to drop everything to follow Jesus, that there was a day of pentecost, that he was going to stand up and preach a sermon that would save lives. He wasn't just saved for himself, but he was going to help save lives. So I looked at the paramedic in a special way too. Because we have to be ready as Christians, we have to be ready to show up when the opportunity comes. And not just show up because we're going to get. I don't even know the guy's name. But many times it's those that we don't know their name that God uses in a mighty way. We were talking earlier about Ananias.

Dez: Yeah.

E: If I was to throw Anania's name out, most people may not know, but everybody knows Paul. One day God told Paul and Ananias, I want you all to hook up.

Dez: Yeah, I want to do a work.

E: Paul, go to his house. Anonyize, I'm sending Paul to your house. And he gets there and because of anonyze yes to God, he prepares Paul and gets ready for his journey in his ministry. So we never know. Everybody might not know your name, but when you say yes to God, he'll use you in the right way.

Dez: Yeah. Do they know your name if they don't know your name but know your God was better, that's it. You know what I'm saying? If they don't know your name but know your God was better. But you guys got this fighting because in the last days, paul said people will be lovers itself off. You see it TikTok, YouTube, social media, Instagram, Facebook loves yourself. So you got to fight against that. I got to fight against that.

E: Right.

Dez: Two things you say and you're going to laugh when you talk about the CPR. Look at the I read this in Proverbs. He says, do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings, they will not serve before officials of low rank. That dude was skilled in his work.

E: Wow.

Dez: And he would be able to serve on a nationwide broadcast because he was skilled on diligent in his work. We are called to be diligent workers. And God used that man, I don't know if you're a Christian or not, but he used them. He used them and he was skilled in his work. He was placed before the whole world to save this young man's life. And then the doctors that got them there and recovered them, they were skilled in their work and they got national coverage for that.

E: Can you imagine if he said, no, I can't do it?

Dez: Yeah.

E: I just don't feel like I could do that. That's why we have to fear not real quick.

Dez: Elizabeth Elliot, old school saint, she says fear. As far as fear, she said if fear is holding you back from what God is calling you, do. She said do it by being scared. Just do it scared. You need to do it to your point because, yes, do not fear doesn't mean that you won't fear. He's telling you don't because you will do it scared then scared, right. Do it scared, right. Because as you do it and I've seen this in my life when I have to confront people that I'm scared of, like they could do physical harm to me. And I'm like, look, I'm like my hands shaking, I'm scared, I'm shaking in my boots, but I'm a sad. And as you talking, it's like the spirit is just strengthening you and strengthening you, strengthening you to your point. Like, okay, if it's fear, do it fearful.

E: I trained you for this. I prepared you for this for such a time as this. I remember Peter came to Jesus on the boat and said, don't you care that we're perishing? I mean, this storm is going on your sleep where you go a little further down in Axe, the Bible says Peter's in prison has to sleep. God had prepared him for this. You've been prepared for this moment. All you have to do is to show up. And I believe that's what God uses to impact and influence people's lives.

Dez: Yeah, I think that was good. And I think Joseph's story is beautiful as we wrap up. I think Joseph's story is beautiful because I always think that's how I think I could be, like theologically wrong of the bug, but I'm going to go with it. I'm going to speculate. I said, God creates problems for his children to solve so that he can get the glory. God creates problems for his children to solve so that he can get the glory. Why do I say that Egypt had a big problem and they didn't think that a boy in the dungeon will be able to solve it. God knew that famine was coming. He sent it. My servant's there, he's going to show you out who the true and living God is. That Egypt. You ain't that strong. A famine can wipe you out. But a servant in this dungeon who you forgot about and who's unjustly there, by the way, he didn't do anything wrong from the get go, but he's going to be the one that's going to save your nation. And he's going to do it because I know that he'll give me the glory. God creates problems for his children to solve so they can get the glory. And I got that from Joseph life. That's in the Bible. I didn't need to get that from psychology books or Ted Talk. Definitely the Bible talks about this stuff, man. And I think that I just think that was beautiful when you're talking about the CPR dude things. So as we wrap up because we got to be out of this joint, we got to be out of this. Let me read Psalms 90 and then I'll actually last question, not the whole thing. I want to start in verse. I don't even know the verse is. I'm just going to read that joint. But it's Psalm 90. It's one through twelve, but I forget where verses starts. But it says, lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth or ever. You had formed the earth in the world from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You return man to dust and say return, old children, a man for 1000 years in your sight. Our butters yesterday when it has passed or as a watch in the night you sweep them away as a flood. They are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning. In the morning it flourishes and it is renewed in the evening it fades and withers. For we are brought to an end by your anger. By Your wrath we are dismayed. You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of Your presence for all our days pass away. Under Your wrath we bring our years to an end like a sigh. The years of our life are 70 or even by reason of strength 80. Yet their span is but toil in trouble. Then they are soon gone and we will fly away. Who considers the power of your anger and your wrath according to the fear of you? So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom that's God's Word. Brevity of life. Bro here today, gone tomorrow. We saw that on that football field. I'm going to let you close out this last question. Keep it brief for as long as you want. But what did the response to his injury with prayers and thoughts reveal about our nation? Why did United States get so religious? We are a nation that constantly rejects God, His Word and his authority. Why did everybody get so religious?

E: What we are creating in this image and is likeness. The Bible says the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof and everything that dwells therein. So there's something in humanity that seeks out for His Creator because he has created us and he loves us. I think all humanity does recognize not all, but many. Most of humanity does recognize the love of their Father and creation. I believe we are his in Christ. But those that aren't saved are his in creation. So there's something matter of fact if you ever see somebody in the world that gets scared they say, oh, God, it comes out natural. Nobody teaches them that. It just comes out natural. Because even the winds of the seas and the waves will cry out for him. And so in creation, that's natural for us to go straight to God help us. But in reality, after the storm is over, after the trouble, whatever it is it's easy for mankind to go back into his normal routine of life living according to his own desires and his own ways. That's why I want to encourage people at the end of this to make a decision on Christ. Today Joshua said as for me in this house, we will. He made a decision serve the Lord, make a choice. Don't wait till tomorrow. Don't wait until next week when I get back to church. You may not make it back to church.

Dez: We see that.

E: Don't wait until that. If this is anything we should learn from this whole situation is that tomorrow is not promise. All we have is today. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Give your heart to Christ. Trust them to work out the rest. Don't even try to figure it all out. That's the problem. We want to figure it all out. He will walk you through it. But just give your heart to Christ Jesus. Because I think I know that that's what's important. Because TWA is not going to wait for you. Come on. If the airline ain't going to wait for you when Christ comes for you, that's it. That's all you have. So don't get ready. Be ready.

Dez: Amen.

E: That's what I wanted to say.

Dez: Amen. Just to follow up with that, I think we are all worshipers. We just don't know how to truly worship Jesus. Those who worship and live in God have to worship Him in spirit and truth. Ephesian says that we're dead. We're spiritually dead. So we cannot get back to God. But I guess what I was thinking through is Romans One, where it says the wrath of God is verse 18. The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all Godliness and the wickedness of people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. What does that mean? People know that God exists. Right, Mr. E? People know that he exists, but they let TV entertainment atheism their situation, their thoughts suppress them. 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them exactly what you just said. Talk about creation. Verse 20 for since the creation of the world, god's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse. Here we go. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him. But their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed although they claimed I lost where I was, verse 22. Although they claimed to be wise, everybody think they're smart. They became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being, and birds and animals and reptiles. When you don't worship right, ladies and gentlemen, you become a fool and you are left to the devices of your dark heart. But Jesus says I'm the light of the world. Jesus promises Ezekiel that he's going to give you a new heart. God is going to make a new covenant, give you a new heart. The reason you say God is because his law is written on your heart, as the Bible says. So, yes, it is natural for man to turn to God in pain. And when something's wrong, it is natural. But to keep turning to Him is supernatural. It's a supernatural work of the spirit. We pleading with you, ladies and gentlemen. Life is short, even for a young man. People dropping like flies. Where are you? If God told you your soul is required you tonight. Are you going to be with him in eternity or you're going to go to hell? That's the question of life. It hangs in between the balance of heaven and hell. Where are you going after this? By God's grace, we prayed and he delivered to Mar. It may not be gracious or that may not happen for the next person. By God's grace, we got to witness that. And I'm excited. I pray that this calls revival. Amen I'm praying for that. I'm not praying that people go back to normal. I'm praying that they see that life is short. And I'm glad that they saw it on a football field, which is America's, God, sports. People worship at the temple of sports. I think the word of God is true. That's why we say it.

E: Oh, man.

Dez: So I'm thankful, man. I'm thankful. I think there's been a great podcast. Again, I was joined by the sage, the wise one, the pastor, Mr Eric Talbot. And I am Dez OOTS. Here at Life podcast, we try to filter our thoughts through God's thoughts. We try to filter our ways through God's ways. And we try to filter our perspectives through God's perspectives. We try to live out God's word in God's world so that we can affect the world by God's word. This has been a life. Podcast. Say bye to the people, Mr. E.

E: Hey, see you all later, man. Give your life to Jesus. He's the best decision you will ever make.

Dez: He's the best thing. Pray for the smoothiest man in the land. Pray for the Levitating one. Dave I am David Oosis has been a live podcast. Hope you enjoy. You.

Demar Hamlin and the Brevity of Life
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