Straight Truth for a Crooked Generation
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Welcome back. This is the Life Podcast Show. Living intentionally for eternity, people. I am back. Yo boy, Dez Oots. Sorry, I haven't been back for a while. I appreciate you all still downloading episodes. It's been a blessing seeing those episodes still get downloaded. So thank you. Keep listening, keep sharing. I appreciate it. I'm trying to move on to the YouTube side and put some things up. But if not, you know, you'll still get me on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, wherever you listen to podcasts. I think we're on all of them at this point.
Thank you again, as I deal with reprioritizing my life, making the main things the main thing, transitioning in lot of ways in my life. So it just took some time, but I am back. Today I want to talk about straight truth to a crooked generation. Straight truth to a crooked generation. I like the playing word straight and crooked. You know, I heard this quote one time. This guy said, you know, God is the only one who can hit a straight
crooked sticks, God never misses. So straight truth to a crooked generation. But before we get into all that, here at the Life Podcast Show, you we like to our thoughts through God's thoughts and filter our ways through God's ways and filter our perspectives through God's perspectives. I think that I found my new favorite podcast. It is called Track Stars.
I kind of came across it one day, it kind of came up on my feed or the algorithm put it on my feed on YouTube. And it was a nice thumbnail, you know, that's what sucks us in. Nice thumbnail and it was talking, I forget what it was talking about, but it an interesting topic. So I said, let me read, let me listen to this joint. And it was three young black guys, they weren't young, they were probably mid thirties, young black guys. And they were just, I just was filling them out. Cause on YouTube is a lot of wild stuff. People just be talking through the emotions and not a lot of truth, not a lot of scripture.
I feel like if you're to be a biblical podcast, a Christian podcast, you need to actually have the Bible in the podcast. And you need to actually have some type of Christian maturity where you can actually dissect that joint and you can actually parse it and realize, okay, this is what the word of God says. You need to be able to say, thus says the Lord and bring the word of God to bear in every situation. That's why we try to filter our perspectives through God's perspective, right? So these guys, I found myself, this was like an hour
Dez (02:24.098)
video and I actually watched the whole thing. I usually don't make it past five minutes, like most of you. But anyway, I got in there and I was listening to it they were saying some good things and they were backing it up with scripture and they seemed like humble, genuine dudes. So I said, man, let me start kind of looking at that and dealing with that a little bit. So I was excited. I was excited to kind of deal with that.
I just wanted to share, I kind of just want to share something that they talked about. So they was talking about this guy named KaSanet. I think that's his name. I think his name is KaSanet. I think he's like a YouTube streamer dude. does like these super long streams where they do some exotic kind of bizarre foolish things. I genuinely have never seen the streams. I've just heard about it. I seen
playing on like the celebrity game and he seemed to be a big deal. A lot of young people follow him. I worked with students, so I think if I was to say their name, they would know exactly who he is. But it just seems like he's a pretty irreverent kind of guy. But they also were saying like he'll make mention to God and kind of have some type of morals and principles with them. So I'm not sure exactly what it was, but they're talking about this young man because he was interviewed by this street interview guy and he was pretty much saying like, hey, what do you think will happen after death?
And the guy gave, the guy, Sanet gave a response kind of vague, like, well, I think, you know, we die and then nothing happens and then we awaken and then there's judgment day, then we'll be reunited with God. And the guy was like, so how you know you're going be reunited with God? He said, well, the 10 commandments, like you follow the 10 commandments. And then he kind of went to the whole default answer. Well, nobody perfect, you know what mean? But the Lord understands us. He knows our heart. So then we'll eventually get in. So these guys are talking
I mean, the problem and the fallacy with that. And I thought it was intriguing. So I want to share what they said with you and then come back and comment and then share it again and kind of comment a little bit more. the first guy is talking about Lordship salvation. So what you're about to hear now is a guy saying, maybe he's separating savior from Lord. Maybe he's like, okay, I prayed my prayer. went to my grandmother's funeral and a prayer was given and I
Dez (04:40.686)
and got my fireproof insurance. So me and God are okay. No matter how I live my life, no matter what I do from this day forward, me and God are fine because he knows my heart. He knows who I am. He knows that, you know, I just gotta get this stuff out, but he knows I love him at the end of the day. And the guy's pretty much like, well, maybe that's the distinction he's making. He doesn't really have any rule over my life. He doesn't own me. I'm not a slave to him. I just, you know what I mean? We good. He stay where he is. I stay where I
And that's the prevailing thought of this generation. I think in generations before, but especially now. So let's just listen to him explain why he said it this way. And then we'll kind of, we'll come back and we'll, we'll talk about what he says. So he's going to introduce this topic of lordship salvation. And this is how he's kind of reasoning through it. So let me share my screen and let you know, let you hear it from horse's mouth. All right. So here we go. We're about to hear him talk and let's
Dez (07:00.888)
So you heard that, you hear him kind of explaining, this is how it could be. And he even says, you know, I applaud him because he has some standards and he's trying to like understand it. Now, Nagat, that's the guy Jeremiah. And I understand, I'm thankful for that brother, kind of being devil's advocate and trying to give him a way out. And I think that's, we should do that, right? We should think the best of people. We shouldn't think the worst. So I think that's wise and it's noble.
So then this next guy, Sean, is going to kind of say, the problem with that, he's going to get pretty passionate. He's going say the problem with that is that it's wrong. And here's the reason why it's wrong. There's two reasons why I speak up for people. Most time I won't, but if someone is going to be harmed from what someone is saying or doing, I'm going to speak up. Or if the cause of crisis at hand, I'll speak up. Those are my two principles of speaking up for someone. If someone's going to be harmed,
what someone is saying, if that's doctrinal or societal or culturally, whatever it may be, I'm going to say something, I'm going to confront you. And if you say something that comes up against the sound teaching of Jesus Christ, by God's grace, I pray I'll be bold enough to confront you and say, no, that's wrong. Be ready to correct those who oppose the truth, right? I mean, that's specifically for pastors and Tideus or Timothy, one of those, but still you got to be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you. So that's what we need to do. We need to be able
hear erroneous thinking and challenge it with truthful speaking, right? So we change erroneous thinking with true speaking. I think here's the problem with this guy, Sanet. He has like millions of followers. So what happens when a young person listens to him? They see his fame, they see his success, they see his women, they see how he's touching these women inappropriately, smacking their butts.
making them dance in a provocative way. You know what I mean? On these streams, they're doing silly things, irreverent things, blasphemous things. Everything about his life is all about loving the world and everything that's in it, even though it's fading away quickly. It's fading away quickly and rotting. My uncle always tells me there's a love that God hates. And that love that God hates is the love of the world. And this man loves the world. He loves the praise of men. He rejects the glory that comes from
Dez (09:22.072)
That's who this young man is. Am I beating this young man up? No, I'm not. But again, this is straight truth to a crooked generation and he just seemed to be the one that's gonna get it today. So the problem is that when young people see him say, yes, I do all these things, but I also love Jesus Christ and I stand for him. Those young people, because young people are impressionable, those young people are gonna think, so I can live however I want.
and still serve Jesus. I can still pursue sinful things and still love Jesus. I can still do what I wanna do in my heart that doesn't bring any glory to Jesus and still love Jesus. But what do you do with the real Jesus when he says, pick up your cross and follow me, deny yourself? When he says, if a man loves himself more than me, he's not worthy of me. When he says, if a man loves his mother, brother, sister, wife, cousin more than me, daughter, son more than me, he's
worthy of me. When he tells his disciples, you willing to drink from this bitter cup that's been given to me? How are you going to deal with that Jesus when he says narrow is the way and it's a difficult road and few find it? How do you deal with that Jesus that says I'm throwing you out into the wolves like sheep? It's going to be danger following me. It's going to be a call to deny yourself to the very core
bone of who you are, that you are a slave to me. What do you do with Jesus when he says, if you love me, you obey my commandments? That's not what this guy's doing. So no, Jesus is Lord and savior no matter what. If you don't, if he's not Lord of your life, he's not savior of your life. He saved you, he transferred you from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of light. He transformed you from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.
Paul says, am a slave to Christ, slave to Christ. It's not longer I who live, but it's Christ who live for me. I give myself up to the one who loved me so much. That's what it means to be a Christian. Fundamentally being a Christian is you stop living for yourself and you start living for God. That's just what it means to be a Christian. So this guy,
Dez (11:46.112)
is promoting a false gospel saying, hey, yes, you can look at me, look at all this stuff I'm amassing, look at me, and you can do all this and still love Jesus. And that's the thing that burns me up about these award shows. It drives me nuts. Every time I think Lil Wayne did this, and Lil Wayne is one of the most debauched men I ever met in my life or ever heard in my life. I used to like Lil Wayne a lot. Thus the locks, the dreadlocks. I actually got dreadlocks because of Lil Wayne, fun fact. But now, you know, you've been renewed mine.
You just start to see like, man, this dude is the boss. He talks about objectifying women and sex and drugs and killing this dude and killing that dude. But he will get right up on that stage and say, first and foremost, before I start rapping these horrible lyrics, I am nothing without God. I am nothing without God. And I love me some God. Steve Harvey will get up at before every comedians comedy show that he does, he will get up there and say, first thing first, I got to you know
I will be nothing without God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him, I'm nothing." And then he takes a pause. Then he says, well, now and then we got that out the way. How the eff y 'all doing? He goes on his profanity -laced tirade for the next hour and a half. But I'm a dude, that's how people do with their lives. Sunday they God's, Monday through Saturday they the world's. And they think that's Christianity. That's deceiving. And that's a Christianity that Satan is not worried about at all.
Go ahead, yeah, go ahead, do that drink, go ahead, be self -deceived. I love that type of Christianity. And I think that's what this guy Sean is about to get into. So, no further ado, let me, he about to go in. So listen to this, listen to this, I'm gonna pause my, I'm gonna mute my mic. Listen to this and see what you
Dez (13:52.44)
And just a quick thought on that. Jesus says, anyone loves their life and I'm willing to give up their life, they'll lose it. But anyone who gives up their life for my sake will find it. So how is he gonna save you and doesn't require anything from you? That just never works. Even when a
Even when a saves you out of jail, it's something that's required like a paycheck. So don't think for one second that Jesus is just like, okay, I saved you. We good now, go ahead and do your thing. We know fundamentally that that's not true. We know that that's not true. So I just wanted to say that really, really quick. I just wanted to say that really quick. Let's get
Dez (16:02.734)
Think about this, think about this for a second. 1 John chapter three, verse four says this, everyone who commits sin practices lawlessness and sin is lawlessness. You know that he was revealed so that he might take away sins and there is no sin in him. Everyone who remains in him does not sin. Everyone who sins has not seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive
The one who does what is right is righteous just as he is righteous. The one who commits sin is of the devil. For the devil has sinned from the beginning. The son of God was revealed for this purpose to destroy the devil's work. Everyone who has been born of God does not sin because his seed remains in him. He is not able to sin because he has been born of God.
Now, am I preaching sinless perfection? No, I'm not. 1 John 1 .9 says, if you sin, confess your sins to your father, he's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. John says, I'm writing to let you know if you sin, not that I want you to sin, but if you sin, you have an advocate in heaven. So it's not, and then he says, you're a liar if you say you're not without sin. So all of us, yes, do fall short of the glory of God, but we don't stay there and we don't live in it. James says that when you sin, there shouldn't be laughter and joy.
but sorrow and tears. Your heart should be broken that you sinned against the one who loved you so much that you burn and grieve the Holy Spirit. That you grieve the God who cares so much and gave it all up, not even sparing his son for you. That should break your heart. You shouldn't parade that around and say, but yeah, I still love Jesus. And we know that's true, brothers and sisters. I'm not trying to make it seem like y 'all don't know this. We know it's true. But what I'm saying is that's the danger.
You can be deceived, especially young people because they're so impersonal, impressionable, that I can still live however I want without any consequence and I'm still gonna go to heaven. That's just not truth. And that's just straight truth to a crooked generation. So let's keep going. Let's listen to what Sean has to say about this. let's keep, let's
Dez (20:23.31)
So again, you hear these brothers dialogue and we're gonna share one more after this. But listen to what I mean, the guy Sean, the first guy you heard, you know, what he's getting to is Jeremiah 17 nine. He says, heart is more deceitful than anything else and incurable. Who can understand it? I, the Lord, examine the mind. I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve. First comes death, the judgment. People don't shudder at the fact that they're gonna meet God one day.
and they're have to give an answer for every word and thought, every word they've ever said and every thought they've ever thought.
Every single thing down to the tittle will be judged righteously, justly. And God has wrath in store for those who trampled upon His son's sacrifice, who love their sin more than they love God. And God will deal with those people harshly. He's gonna do it justly. And Peter says that
think that God's delaying his coming. He's doing it so that many other people may be saved. He's delaying his judgment so that people may come into the kingdom and not have to experience the burning hot white wrath of God. Stop playing with Jesus. Revelation presents him as a man with fire in his eyes and a king who's coming back to conquer. One picture in Revelation is that the blood is going to be as high as the highest mountain.
as he takes war and wages war on his enemies. Don't let Satan deceive you thinking it's sweet, yeah? It's not sweet. And don't think these people that love Satan and worship Satan and trying to get you to worship Satan, but do it in Jesus' name, these false prophets, don't let them deceive you. Get in the book, get around people who will disciple you and tell you, nah, bro, that ain't it. He can't say he a Christian and he's doing these things. She can't say she's a Christian and
Dez (22:27.574)
and doing these things and saying these things and dressing like this and dancing provocatively and then go up there and say, I love Jesus Christ. Don't be deceived. Look straight through it and call it what it is. That's a lie from the pit of hell. No, they do not. Now, if someone is coming to Christianity, they're to have their issues. They're going to have their things that's going to have to be, God's going have to renew their mind, but the behavior will change as the truth changes them. As the truth changes them, their behavior will change. It may take some time, but for people who keep going on in sin.
Hebrew says that there's no sacrifice for them. Those who deliberately sin, there's no longer sacrifice for them. God says in his word, it's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. It's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of of the living and angry God. Cause he not only has the power to kill you, he also has the power as God, as Jesus said in Luke, to kill you and throw your soul into hell. That's just a real thing. Do you know this?
that Jesus talked about hell more than Paul, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Peter, Moses put together. Jesus is where you get the doctrine of hell from. So he knows about it he's come to save us from that. Not just to save us from hell, but to bring us into relationship with our creator. That's a beautiful thing and I pray that for this young man. So.
I think that that's extremely important. And I like what he said when he says, we don't know how deceitful our heart is. Listen to this, Romans 3. We really don't understand how bad it is. Listen to this.
What then, this is Romans 3 verses 9, what then? Are we better off? Are we any better off? Not at all. For we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin. That means all people, either Jew or you're Greek. All people are under the power of sin. As is written, there's no one righteous, not even one. There's no one who understands. There's no one who seeks God. All have turned away. All alike have become worthless. There's no one who does what is good, not even one.
Dez (24:33.132)
Their throat is an open grave, they deceive with their tongues. Vipers venom is under their lips. Their mouths is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Ruin and wretchedness are in their paths and the path of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes. That's the indictment God has given to every single person on this earth.
There is no fear of God before your eyes and because of that you act wickedly. And that's what these guys are getting to. We don't understand how much we should be in awe of what Jesus has done for us. By taking our sin in his place, we put our sin on him and God takes our sin like as if we were Jesus Christ. That's justification. Now because of what Jesus done on the cross, God's anger is satisfied.
because he did not just wink at it, he dealt with it. He put all the sins of those who were trusting Jesus on him. Now in justification, God sees you just as if you were Jesus Christ. That's a legal thing. Sanctification is you becoming more and more conformant to the image of Jesus Christ. But justification is a legal term where God has set you free. He has paid the debt for you so that you are no longer in bondage to your sin and under the wrath of
So that's important, but we have to understand the bad news before we can really see the beauty of the good news. So let's go on and listen to what they have to say and we'll close up after that. All right, so let's just keep going. Let me mute myself real quick and then
Dez (26:59.747)
Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention.
Dez (27:10.156)
Dez (27:57.648)
So you heard him, he was getting little upset. said, man, let's move on. I'm getting upset. So just think about that, brothers and sisters. Just think about what he's talking about. He's upset because he's like, the Bible is clear that those who place their faith in Jesus Christ are new. Are they're new,
Second Corinthians, I think it's 517. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away and see the new has come. If you are in Christ, you are no longer who you used to be. Act like it. By the Spirit, by the word of God, you need your mind transformed by the
Every day, you need to give your brain a Bible bath. Every single day. Because your heart, you can't trust your heart, that's deceitful. You can't trust your thoughts, doesn't know everything. You can't trust your friends, they don't know everything. Yes, God is giving us a church that we need to be a part of so that we can see, so other people can see our lives and say, hey brother, I think you kind of drifting a little
Well, hey sister, I think you're drifting a little bit. We need to shore up this in your life. God uses those things and those graces in our lives. The word of God, the spirit of God, and the local church. You need to be connected to people because you need to be disciple because you don't know you well. You don't. How many times have you failed yourself? How many times have you let yourself down because you thought you knew yourself and you can handle it? You can't. Let Jesus handle it. Let those he put in your life that you can trust.
help you and say, this is a weak spot, this is a blind spot. You need to be in community. You need to be community. Think about the word of God. Hebrews says that it cuts, it's living and it's acting and it cuts between bone and marrow, revealing the darkest, deepest things of our hearts. That's why you need to be in the word. So many times you're in the word, you're like, man, that's me. And you look at it and it's not pretty because the word of God is a mirror showing you, you.
Dez (30:07.79)
And it's not always pretty, but it's always worth it. And I think that's what this guy is getting to. People in this land can stay there Christian, live any way they want. But as I like to say, everybody think they're Christian until they see one. Until they see one. Listen to Philippians 2, 12 through 16. This is what it says, Dear friends, you always followed my instruction when I was with you. And now that I'm away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with
reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Do everything without complaining and arguing so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life. Then on the day of Jesus Christ's return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was
useless. We're called to live clean, innocent lives. Perfectly? No. Striving? Yes. We're called to something higher, to something better, to something more nobler, to something greater. Nobler is not a word. Something more noble. That's what we're called to. And when we let the world define our Christianity and not let the word define our Christianity,
We find ourselves in deep, deep trouble. So don't follow example of Kai Sennett or these other celebrity guys follow Jesus. He has left us example of what it means to live a godly life. And he's given us, as Peter said, everything we need to live a godless life. Godly life, not godless, godly life. He's given us everything we need. We need to become the people that God called us to be. And we do that with our two new parents, Spirit of God.
Word of God, let that dominate your life. So I'm thankful for these brothers. They did a great job. Check them out. Track stars on YouTube. They seem like some humble dudes. Again, this is The Life Podcast show. We like to our thoughts through God's thoughts. like to our ways through God's ways. And we like to filter our perspectives through God's perspective. Hopefully we'll be back next week, but until then, peace.